
you make a difference

C3 Imagine wouldn’t exist without the generosity and faithfulness of so many. If you’d like to partner with us in reaching our cities and region with the love and message of Jesus Christ then simply use the link or information below to give online. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity.

Ways to contribute financially

Tithes and offerings
Account name: Stichting Christian City Church Amsterdam
IBAN: NL30 RABO 0100 9296 64

Vision Builders (building & missions fund)
Account name: Stichting Christian City Church Amsterdam
IBAN: NL24 RABO 0147 9733 17


Our organization is a PBO (Public Benefit Organization, in Dutch Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling). Donations to C3 Church Amsterdam Almere are tax deducatable.