Christmas @ C3 Imagine

Christmas at C3 Imagine

The end of the year is near, and that means Christmas is around the corner! We are looking forward to this time: a time of hope and light. With so much happening in the world, we long for connection and community more than ever before. We are excited that we can gather as a church and celebrate what Christmas is all about: Jesus, the Light of the world, came to earth for you and me.

During the message series “Through their eyes”, we will reflect on the birth of Jesus. The various services during this series will revolve around Christmas. We will have carol services in all our locations, and rehearsals are in full swing for our Christmas musical. So there is plenty of opportunity to celebrate Christmas with us in one of our locations! Of course we will provide a cosy Christmas atmosphere and hot chocolate with whipped cream will be part of it!

We would love you to come and celebrate Christmas with your friends and family at C3 Imagine. Come to one of our locations during the carol services and experience the musical on Christmas morning. We can’t wait to meet you and celebrate this season together.

Carol Services
Amsterdam City | 19 December | 10.30 AM
Almere | 19 December | 10.30 AM

All locations @Paasheuvelweg 24, Amsterdam
25 December | 10.30 AM